How grateful I am for these kids... they bring me mass amounts of joy, and I am happy they warmed up to me so quickly. Bill Cosby was right... they really do say the darnedest things. Life would be really boring without kids... I am super excited to have some of my very own:)

We went fishing, which I haven't done since I was little with my dad... which was never a very fun experience for him because I was so high maintenance when we fished. Dad! you would have been so proud of me. I got my own fishing pole ready, baited my hooks and took the fish I caught off. Thanks be to my husband who gave me a couple quick lessons and assured me that i was stronger than I think. I had just convinced myself for most of my life that doing those things was scary... not so, it twas a piece of cake.
I am a little disappointed that I do not have the picture to show you of the bass that I caught fishing this weekend. It was the BIGGEST fish I have even caught!!! I will let you imagine how big it was... just picture me holding my arms out showing you the size right now.
In other news I LOVE farmers tans!!!! My husband was lucky enough this summer to achieve the coveted "Neapolitan Tan." After a day of wearing a shirt that was a little bit shorter in the sleeves he was lucky enough to have the brown tan, the red burn and of course the white natural skin color as well. I really don't think my camera adequately captured the colors. Nice work Chuck :)

Ps... I am doing much better with the stick shift... the trick with the clutch is to "Work it" and not "Pop it" I made up a little song about it to assist me when I get frustrated.... it has a nice hip hop beat....if I find someone to beat box for me I will give you a little performance sometime.
Pps. My MOM started a blog... called the Chronicles of Mary (see my blog list for the link). She doesn't have much on there yet, but I am sure she will have many wonderful posts in the near future.