Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sleet, and other confusing indecision's of Mother Nature.

Happy April 6th 2009. I thought I might awake to the peaceful sounds of birds chirping, tulips blooming and the ripe buds of spring bursting forth from the beautiful Minnesotan trees. Yet I found myself driving home last night in the pouring sleet (which if you are not familiar with is a nasty snow rain combination)... and rolling out of bed this morning I opened the blinds to a bright white blanket of snow. I think snow is wonderful yet....

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven..."

-Ecclesiastes 3:1

I just figured with it being April and all we would have moved past the jacket weather, but I live in the frozen north... perhaps I shouldn't get my hopes up so much.

SPRING!!! Where art thou? And why must thy face be hidden from the earth, wenst all I want is to bask in your warm loveliness?

In other weather news... Fargo, North Dakota is still in high water (the Red River Valley is flooding) and they are still expecting another crest when all the snow melts. My sister lives there and she says that it is craziness with all the people filling sandbags, including the National Guard. The Fargo Forum reported:
"Fargo and Moorehead, Minn. -- which sit on opposite sides of the state line -- escaped major damage when the Red River crested at almost 41 feet last Saturday, breaking a record set in 1897. The National Weather Service said Friday there is a good chance the river will crest again at a similar level between April 15 and April 22, ."
Please continue to remember the good people of Fargo in your prayers... Especially Miss Beth Krause :)

Love Tacy

1 comment:

Karen said...

You are not alone with the 'winter' weather. I thought Spring has sprung in this neck of the woods but it hasn't. I think you all got what came through here. We had wind, rain, snow but not in the same places. Here in Albuquerque it was most freezing wind (if there's such a thing). Mountains, of course got snow. The mountains always look so beautiful with all the snow. And you know that you have to enjoy it before the sun melts it all away like in an hour or so!! I hope the warm weather that is predicted the next few days stays! But baseball season is upon us, therefore, the cold weather is going to hang around for a while. Seems to do that every year in April!! You'll warm up sooner that you know! (had a talk with Mother Nature).