Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You can't live at your parent's house forever

Well, I knew this time would come. It was inevitable that at some point I would have to move out of my parents house. I have enjoyed the last year here, eating free food, watching movies on a big screen with surround sound, sleeping in a queen sized bed, not having to worry about bills, back-rubs from mom, truck maintenance help from dad, free gym membership, toothpaste, toilet paper, no rent... the list goes on and on.

I initially moved out when I was 18 and loved being on my own, however after the mission, home was like my little security blanket where I could hide out... well no more!!!! I am moving in with three girls from church, Jenny Paynter, Kristy Benjamin and Sarah Ware. Four women, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one outdoor pool and a partridge in a pear tree. I am so happy about it that I couldn't wait until the end of the month. I move in THIS SATURDAY!!!!!

I will be close to school, work and church... making my life a lot easier. Now I will have more time to enjoy the things I love (Including BLOGGING!!!) and spend far less time at bus stops and commuting. Wish me well... more news to come.


David said...

Hey, I like your new picture.

Congratulations on the move! That's a big, but much needed step to take.

Karen said...

Hey Tacy, that's great news!!! I know you'll do well. I do hope to see more blogging from you!!!
