Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Into the Mountains

I don't think I have mentioned this but Chuck and I are gearing up to move to Utah. It seems like a pretty understandable transition I mean we are Mormon and Utah is out "Mecca." (kidding) I read that Utah was our Mecca on an old postcard of the Salt Lake Temple, I found in an antique shop and it made me bust out laughing.

We are headed for Sunny Alpine to live close by Chuck's sister and her husband. They have a little girl close to Fiona's age and I have a feeling she is really going to like having a cousin close by. Chuck is going to learn how to do a type of Emotional Release Therapy that will be a part of his counseling practice in the future. It uses age regression meaning that sometimes (not always) during a session you might "go back" to an earlier age to address issues from your past. I have been the beneficiary of this treatment on a few occasions and have found it to be really healing and beneficial.

I am excited for him to be learning about something he is really interested in and working with our brother in law who we consider to be quite the guru of health and healing. It will be a great blessing to our family. I mean who doesn't want to learn to release stress and negative emotions. I myself tend to be a bottler of such and sometimes I burst... never pretty.

There have been quite a few people we know who have mixed feelings about this decision and career move. I don't know what it is about "Alternative" therapies that people have a problem with. Perhaps that is because I grew up with a mother who loved therapy, self help books, herbs and many other non-mainstream forms of medicine.

If I have learned ONE thing from my almost 10 years studying health and Nutrition in school it would be that....

There is NO one size fits all when it comes to nutrition advice. People are so unique you have to tailor meet your advice to fit their life.

So... how is it hard to imagine that when treating metal health different types of therapy might benefit different people.

Anyways, I am not going to turn this post into a defense of alternative medicine.... but just wanted to say I fully support my husbands choice and am glad he is following his heart and not being swayed by other people's opinions.


Clarinda said...

I'll be sad to see you move, but I fully support you and Chuck as well. I'm finding myself more and more in favor of alternative...well, anything. :)

Good luck with the moving preparations!

tammy said...

Congrats on your move and new adventures to come. Alpine is such a nice place to live! I love alternative medicine and wonder why we have to call it alternative. I agree with you on this post. There are so many things out there and different things will work for different people. I love learning about new therapies. I volunteer if Chuck needs someone to practice on.

Heidi said...

Let me know when you are out here!!!! I would love to see you guys. I am about a half hour from Alpine. :)Seriously, I am going to email you my phone number.

jeff and alli said...

When are you moving? Let us know, we can help move boxes and furniture.

There is a sister in our ward, I think you guys would get along. She is open to everything, especially different healing practices. She tells me about a lot of interesting ideas.

Karen said...

Woo Hoo! For a minute there I thought you guys were only moving because the state only has 4 letters! Ha! Hey, we'll be neighbors! Meet you at the fence at 4 Corners!!!

The Atomic Mom said...

Where are you going to live out there? And then when will you be out there? Perhaps we can have lunch or something the next time we're on the Wasatch.