Thursday, January 10, 2008

Quirky Me

I have felt a little bad sitting here talking about what makes other people in this world strange and creepy. This post is a small list of some of my own oddities, enjoy!

  • I enjoy picking things up with my toes. My hands and fingers work just fine, but sometimes I don't feel the need to bend over, or sometimes I just want to challenge myself… "Can I really pick that up with my foot?"
  • I tell jokes to myself in my head, and then laugh out-loud about them. (I am so funny sometimes!)
  • I have tried to pick my dog up with my mouth by the neck on more than one occasion ( I have still proven to be unsuccessful) Why would I try this you ask...because that's what Momma dogs do silly.
  • Sometimes I leave my security badge from work on my belt even after I go home because it makes me feel important… like I have access somewhere other people do not!
  • I use the word "Ishy" which is similar to "Icky," I have been told that it is not a real word. However I continue to use it quite frequently.
  • I smell everything… even things I KNOW are going to smell bad. In middle school I used to smell the kids armpits who sat next to me in homeroom every morning. In my own defense his deodorant smelled really good. I ran into him once years later and brought it up to him, he let me know that it weirded him out a bit, but didn't know how to tell me to stop. Sorry Josh Lundholm… wherever you are!!!!
  • When I eat popcorn I like to bite off the parts that have the kernel remains first and then savor the part that is just white fluffy goodness.
  • I really enjoy listening to "Jump in the Line" by Harry Belefonte in the mornings when I'm getting ready for work.
  • After every journal entry I have written for the past few years I have signed my name at the end... I think it is getting a litte redundant, I mean I am the only one who writes in it.
  • I like to take naps on in really strange uncomfortable places, because it helps me to not sleep for too long.
  • I am not a fan of Ranch dressing (I'm sorry... I'm sure my dad is dissapointed... He loves ranch!!! It almost feels un-American to not like Ranch dressing).

What are some of the strange things you do... I know most of you have some sort of list?


Sarah said...

Tacy everytime I read your blog I end up laughing, which isn't very good because it's always late at night and I don't want to wake everyone up. So thanks for being funny and great.

David said...

All I ever picture is the movie Beetlejuice when I hear that "Jump in the Line" song. lol